個infrared thermometer勁,我都想買![版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]買啦, 幾好玩
look forwards to see your 口水雞....[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]weekend應該一定有
my hubby also use the "toy" to check Yiu's temp and enjoy playing with it... he is very stupid ... but the most crazy one is Almond Gor!!!![版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]禾都玩左巧耐, 周圍"嘟"
我喜歡紅油抄手!![版主回覆05/19/2011 13:05:00]唔知成唔成功呢
係係成盆浸嫁?![版主回覆05/19/2011 13:05:00]應該要成盤浸 (用保鮮紙cover)
but the most crazy one is Almond Gor!!!!<<失禮~~~
原來整紅油咁大工程 [版主回覆05/20/2011 00:44:00]係啦...仲要矛得賣...
我今日都買左辣椒浸紅油, 想知道你d辣椒做完紅油後點處置 ? 我今日用左成100克, 都好多下, 掉左去又好浪費咁.[版主回覆06/17/2011 10:01:00]禾浸完拎左2-3隻for 口水雞, 其他都係掉左咋.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00](Empty)
個infrared thermometer勁,我都想買!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]買啦, 幾好玩
look forwards to see your 口水雞....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]weekend應該一定有
my hubby also use the "toy" to check Yiu's temp and enjoy playing with it... he is very stupid ... but the most crazy one is Almond Gor!!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:04:00]禾都玩左巧耐, 周圍"嘟"
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:05:00]唔知成唔成功呢
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2011 13:05:00]應該要成盤浸 (用保鮮紙cover)
but the most crazy one is Almond Gor!!!!<<失禮~~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/20/2011 00:44:00]係啦...仲要矛得賣...
我今日都買左辣椒浸紅油, 想知道你d辣椒做完紅油後點處置 ? 我今日用左成100克, 都好多下, 掉左去又好浪費咁.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆06/17/2011 10:01:00]禾浸完拎左2-3隻for 口水雞, 其他都係掉左咋.